Bachelor degree


Water Institute (WI) is fully registered by the National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NACTVET) and its Programmes are fully accredited by NACTVET.

(1) Bachelor’s Degree in Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering.

Entry Qualification

Form VI: Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points (based on the following conversion scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1) from two of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
Completed A-Level studies in 2014 and 2015 must possess an Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with Two principal passes (Two Cs) with a total of 4.0 points (based on the following conversion scale: A=5, B+=4, B=3, C=2, D=1) from two of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

(2) Bachelor's Degree in Community Development for Water Supply and Sanitation

Entry Qualification

1) Ordinary diploma in; Water-Related Programmes, Sociology, Anthropology, Social work, Community Development, Development Studies, Tourism, Public Administration and any Diploma related to community Development as will be agreed by the Water Institute
2) Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with a Principal pass in any two subjects excluding religious subjects and a pass in English in Ordinary Certificate of Secondary Education (OCSE) is Compulsory.

(3) Bachelor's Degree in Hydrogeology and Drilling

Entry Qualification

1) Holder of Ordinary Diploma in either of the following fields: Hydrogeology & Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering, Minning Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, other Civil or Water-related Engineering programmes with GPA (NTA6) of 3.0
2) Holder of Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Water Resources Engineering, Hydrogeology & Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Civil Engineering, Water Quality Laboratory Technology with a minimum average score of 3.0 points (C grade) based on the following conversion scale: A=5, B=4, C=3 D=2
3) Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with two Principal passes with a total of 4.0 points based on the following conversions scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 from the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

(4) Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Hydrology

Entry Qualification

1) Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with Two principal passes with a total of 4.0 points (based on the following conversion scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1) from two of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
2) Holder of Ordinary Diploma in either of the following fields: Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering, Hydrogeology & Water Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Civil Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, and other fields related to Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering with minimum GPA (NTA 6) of 3.0
3) Holder of Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Water Resources Engineering, Hydrogeology and Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Water Laboratory Technology, Civil Engineering, and other fields related to Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering with a minimum average C grade based on the following conversion scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2.

(5) Bachelor's Degree in Sanitation Engineering

Entry Qualification
1) Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with Two principal passes from two of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
2) Holder of Ordinary Diploma in either of the following fields: Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering, Hydrogeology and Water Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Water Laboratory Technology, Civil Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, and other fields related to Civil Engineering or Water Resources
Engineering with a minimum GPA (NTA 6) of 3.0
3) Holder of Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Water Resources Engineering, Hydrogeology & Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Water Laboratory Technology, Civil Engineering, and other fields related to Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering with a minimum average of C grade

(6) Bachelor's Degree in Water supply Engineering

Entry Qualification
1) Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with Two principal passes from two of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
2) Holder of Ordinary Diploma in either of the following fields: Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering, Hydrogeology and Water Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Water Laboratory Technology, Civil Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, and other fields related to Civil Engineering or Water Resources
Engineering with a minimum GPA (NTA 6) of 3.0
3) Holder of Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in Water Resources Engineering, Hydrogeology & Well Drilling, Hydrology & Meteorology, Water Laboratory Technology, Civil Engineering, and other fields related to Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering with a minimum average of C grade

(7) Bachelor Degree in Plumbing and Service Engineering

Entry Qualification
1) Ordinary diploma with GPA 3.0 or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) of at least C average in; Water supply engineering, Sanitation engineering, Hydrology and Meteorology,
Hydrogeology and Water well drilling, Irrigation engineering, Land Use Planning, Agricultural Land Use Planning, Civil engineering, Operation and Maintenance of Water Systems Engineering, Water Quality and Laboratory Technology and Other water-related programmes
2) Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with Principal pass in Advanced Mathematics and any two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and or Geography. If one of the passes is not in Advanced Mathematics, at least Subsidiary pass in Basic Applied Mathematics at A – level or Basic Mathematics at O – level is

(8) Bachelor Degree in Water Quality and Laboratory Technology

Entry Qualification
Admission to the programme will be open to candidates with:
1) Admission to this programme will be open to candidates, with: Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6) with minimum GPA of 3.0 or FTC with average of C pass mark: Water Quality and Laboratory Technology, General laboratory technology, Environment Health Science or Water Resources Engineering and other related fields. Or,
2) Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) with two principal passes from two of the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Geography and Chemistry. One of the two principal level passes must be in biology, chemistry or physics.

(9) Bachelor Degree in Quantity Surveying for Water and Sanitation

Entry Qualification
Admission to the programme will be open to candidates with:
1) Ordinary diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) in; Quantity surveying, Water supply and Sanitation engineering, Hydrology and Meteorology, Hydrogeology and Water well drilling, Irrigation engineering, Civil engineering, Water Quality Laboratory Technology, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Metrology and other related field.
2) Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with Principal pass in Advanced Mathematics and any two principal passes in the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and or Geography. If one of the passes is not in Advanced Mathematics, at least a subsidiary pass in Basic Applied Mathematics at A –level or Basic Mathematics at O – level is required.

How to Apply:

Applicants are required to apply online through Water Institute Online Application System (OAS) available at the Water Institute Website: . There is no application fee.